wav CD-ROMs or inserted via CD-ROMs from both 2.6.1 and later are no longer converted to AU in “Save for Web” and “Publish to YouTube”. If the sample has been imported from “Save for Web” or “Publish to YouTube”, then the original label is not removed and the file name is now the same as the sample name.
Modified 8/1/2017 by John_C
Version 1.8 - Release Notes
This version of Slices contains some minor fixes and improvements.
Version 1.8.1 - Release Notes
* Bug fix - Fixed the file format of the sample being imported when saving on a CD-ROM.
* Bug fix - Fixed the Slices “Publish to YouTube”/“Publish to SoundCloud” console command working as intended.
* Bug fix - Fixed sample names having a space in their titles.
* Bug fix - The “Publish to YouTube”/“Publish to SoundCloud” console command no longer overwrites existing YouTube/SoundCloud accounts.
* Bug fix - Fixed a problem with some samples not playing back reliably.
* Bug fix - Fixed a problem with the sample title no longer being removed from the sample if it has already been imported.
* Minor improvement - When selecting a sample on the import screen, it is now possible to view the title of the sample without opening it.
* Minor improvement - The sample name now gets imported when saving to CD-ROMs using the “Save for CD-ROM” menu item.
* Minor improvement - It is now possible to import many samples at a time from the import screen.
* Minor improvement - When importing samples from the import screen, a thumbnail now gets created when it is first needed and the sample is imported from a CD-ROM.
* Minor improvement - The “Quick Import” method now imports all samples asynchronously instead of one by one.
* Minor improvement - Slices now removes the “On Playback” radio button when creating a new playlist if it is not empty.
* Minor improvement - The “Play as Insert” option for custom playlists now gets updated correctly.
* Minor improvement - The “Show/Hide On Screen” option now
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